Farrah Abraham Doubles Down on Rape Allegation, Says Mayor Used Hands, Feet, Teeth in Assault

September 2021 · 4 minute read

Monday, we reported on the shocking allegation that former Teen Mom star Farrah Abraham has leveled against a man named Dominic Foppoli.

Farrah says she was sexually assaulted by Foppoli, who until yesterday was the mayor of Windsor, California.

In response to allegations from Farrah and eight other women, Foppoli has resigned from his post.

He maintains, however, that he has done nothing wrong.

“It is with a heavy heart that I am resigning, effective today,” read a statement from Dominic’s team that was published in the San Francisco Chronicle and other papers.

“I have always and will always maintain that I did not engage in any non-consensual sexual acts with any woman."

Foppoli did not mention any of his accusers by name.

However, he did single out one in vague terms, and based on his descrtiption, it’s a virtual certainty that he’s talking about Farrah.

“I recently learned that a woman in Palm Beach, Florida is accusing me of non-consensual acts while I was visiting there in March of this year," he said.

"She made her allegations after she learned of the April 8, 2021 San Francisco Chronicle story."

"I have no doubt she is making these allegations in an attempt to leverage the situation to her advantage.”

Yes, Foppoli is alleging that Farrah decided to come forward with her story of being assaulted during a trip to Palm Beach, Florida only after she learned that eight other women had come forward.

In other words, the scandal was about to explode and she wanted in on it.

Farrah’s attorney, Spencer Kuvin, says nothing could be further from the truth.

“I can’t get into the specifics of what she is alleging, but it was of a sexual nature. It was a very serious issue," Kuvin told the media this week, according to The Ashley’s Reality Roundup.

"The issue, the details of any type of particular conduct that’s alleged, I need to leave that up to the police to investigate."

In the police report obtained on Monday by The Chronicle, Farrah claimed that the alleged assault took place in March.

Abraham claims she was injured during the alleged assault – and that she reported the incident to the police in detail.

Notably, her allegation is that he committed sexual battery using his “hands/feet/teeth” while at a house in Palm Beach.

The Ashley’s Reality Roundup reports that she was in Palm Beach to attend a charity event for an animal rescue organization.

Farrah’s Instagram account shows her, along with daughter Sophia, attending an event in Florida for the charity on March 14.

It is unclear where Sophia at the time of the alleged assault.

Farrah has mostly kept quiet about the case, but she did retweet a person who credited her with bringing Foppoli down.

“Farrah Abraham is really the woman who stopped Dominic….” the tweet read.

On Instagram, she posted a lengthy statement that seems to refer to this.

Abraham seems to reference both the Foppoli case and her feud with Chrissy Teigen, who has recently come under fire for bullying younger celebs in the early years of her career.

She writes:

“I relate what I’m going through right now to my PTSD from a p0rnstar & women who preyed on me & I now know government officials are just like abusing, murdering, lieing, sick, rapist p0rnstars."

“Happy I lived through both experiences, but I fight & support women. God is good I have no idea why these bad things happen to me."

"I work so hard to stay away from bad people.”

In a statement that may or may not be serious, or related to the Foppoli case, Abraham also announced that she intends to enter the political arena following her 30th birthday on May 31.

“I will be running for a government position as soon as I turn 30," she wrote.

"Count down & thank you in advance for supporting me supporting you."

"My experiences have lead me to this valuable place that I do not take for granted."

There’s a lot to unpack here, for everyone involved.

“Our family only asks that people respect our privately during this difficult time and because of the ongoing investigation we can’t comment," said Farrah’s father, Michael Abraham, when reached for comment.

Obviously, Farrah has always been an eccentric figure with a tendency to make grandiose statements.

Attorneys for Foppoli will no doubt use Farrah’s reputation against her in their attempts to clear his name.

But it’s important to bear in mind that while she might not be a "perfect victim," Farrah deserves to be believed.

As much as any other accuser, her side of the story and any evidence she provides must be viewed objectively.

We’ll have further updates on this developing story as more information becomes available.
