Tim McGraw Has Longterm Relationships With His Cowboy Hats

January 2021 · 2 minute read

Tim McGraw is known for his sexy and sleek black cowboy hat, and although he's almost always wearing one, the singer admits he actually doesn't have a black cowboy hat collection.

McGraw's look has been evolving over the years, but now his black cowboy hat is a staple. And much like a baseball player, he has to really break his hat in before he can wear it.

“I don’t have a lot. I try to stick with one for a long time," the 'Meanwhile Back at Mama's' singer admits. He says it takes time to get it just the right way, and once it is perfect, it doesn't stay that way for very long.

“You shape it and then you have to wear it a little while and then it takes a couple a months for it to actually look right," McGraw dishes. "Then you only have a couple of months where it actually looks right. Then you live with it lookin’ bad for a little while before you finally get the nerve up to switch again."

Recently, the proud husband and father took one of his daughters out for a lunch date. During the date, he opted to go a little incognito, leaving the famous black cowboy hat at home in exchange for a baseball cap. See the sweet selfie of McGraw and his youngest daughter here.

McGraw's upcoming album, 'Sundown Heaven Town,' is expected to drop Sept. 16.

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