Halle Berry Once Shared She Refused to Put on Weight for Movie Roles

October 2021 · 3 minute read


Halle Berry has avoided gaining weight for film roles since she feels she’s more susceptible to health risks following too drastic of a weight change.

Published on November 7, 2022

2 min read

Halle Berry, who’s often into training, once shared she was much against packing on weight for film roles. But her decision to avoid changing her diet for movies had to do with her own health concerns.

Halle Berry once offered a glimpse into her fitness regimen

Being fit is a bit of a lifestyle for Halle Berry that she’s made a top priority. To maintain her physique and mindset, she’s committed to a careful diet and training regimen.

“I swear by the ketogenic diet,” Berry once told People. “It’s just no sugar and no carbs. And what you force your body to do is instead of burning sugar for fuel, you start burning healthy fats like avocado, coconut oil, eggs. You start eating healthy fats.”

She combined this diet with certain exercises she habitually did for her results.

“I just do bodyweight stuff. I do Yoga sometimes, pilates. I kind of switch it up because your body gets used to the same exercises, so you have to kind of trick it every six or three months or so,” she added.

Halle Berry once shared she would refuse to put on weight for movie roles

Hollywood is full of actors willing to modify their weight for the sake of a movie role. And although Berry would be tempted to do the same, the X-Men star is against putting on pounds for films. This was because Berry would prioritize her health under those circumstances.

“My heart would say yes because I feel like I would do anything for my craft, but my brain would say no because I’m diabetic and what that might do to me on a health level could be really dangerous, so that’s probably the real reason I wouldn’t,” Berry once said in an interview with Wendy Williams (via Contact Music).

Motherhood also made Berry much less willing to take the physical risks that other actors didn’t mind taking.

Taking care of my health and keeping my weight a certain (level) is really very much a part of taking care of myself and being healthy, and because I’m a mum now, I wouldn’t take risks like that,” she added.

Halle Berry is used to training for film roles

Berry may not be keen on gaining weight for movies, but she doesn’t mind preparing for roles in other healthier ways. When it comes to genres like action films, the actor is willing to put in the necessary physical work for a role. Sometimes she even goes beyond her physical limits as she did for John Wick: Parabellum.

For her Netflix film Bruised, Berry also underwent another intense training regimen for her role as an MMA fighter. Something she admitted was a difficult endeavor.

“It is hands down the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my professional career,” she once told MMA Fighting. “I think it’s second only to childbirth. I had to push myself further than I’d ever pushed myself. All those disciplines are at play so I had to learn bits of all of it. You can’t just all of a sudden look like you’re a real fighter. You really have to take the time and just put in the work and let your body sort of transform to look that way.”
