Head of Household, Power of Veto, and Nomination Results

August 2021 · 3 minute read

CBS’s Big Brother Season 25 continues into the first elimination on Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2023. With one abbreviate week already behind fans, they’re getting a solid sense of who’s leading, who’s following, and who’s likely to get evicted soon. Here are Big Brother Season 25 Week 1 spoilers regarding the Head of Household, Power of Veto, and nomination results.

[Spoiler alert: Big Brother Season 25 Week 1 spoilers ahead.]

‘Big Brother’ Season 25 Week 1 spoilers: Who becomes Head of Household?

Big Brother Season 25 Week 1 gave fans a clue as to how this season might shake out. Julie Chen Moonves introduced the Big Brother multiverse to the house. The premiere also showed which four houseguests were the first to be up for nomination. Jared Fields, Kirstin Elwin, Felicia Cannon, and Cory Wurtenberger did not escape unscathed.

Cirie Fields entered the competition as the 17th houseguest in episode 2, shocking the rest of the players. Unfortunately for Cirie, fellow houseguest Izzy Gleicher figured out that Jared is Cirie’s son, but the three players vowed to work together.

So, who became the first Head of Household this season? According to Big Brother Season 25 Week 1 spoilers, Reilly Smedley blew through the obstacle course, becoming the first HoH.

Thanks to Reilly’s win, she pulled two names down from nomination — Jared and Cory.

While Reilly’s win gives her power in the house, she’s starting to spiral. She worries that the rest of the house views her as the ringleader for forming a major alliance. Cirie visited Reilly on Tuesday, Aug. 8, to tell the HoH to pull herself together and quit the paranoid thinking. Only time will tell whether Cirie’s words will help Reilly long-term.

Who received the first Power of Veto?

Additional Big Brother Season 25 spoilers note Hisam Goueli won the first Power of Veto this season. But he reportedly didn’t use it. According to the live feeds, the Power of Veto ceremony occurred on Monday, Aug. 7, 2023, and Hisam stuck with the original plan to keep Felicia and Kirstin on the chopping block.

The live feeds also showed how Reilly and Jag Bains considered convincing Hisam to use his Power of Veto to nominate Izzy. But Reilly and Jag ultimately decided against it, as it would’ve put a bigger target on Reilly’s back. Reilly’s already making waves as the Head of Household, and she doesn’t need additional eyes watching her every move by playing too hard from the beginning.

Which houseguests are nominated for elimination heading into episode 3? Who went home in episode 4?

As the first full week of Big Brother Season 25 begins on Wednesday, Aug. 9, Felicia and Kirstin are on the chopping block. Kirstin went home in episode 4 with a unanimous vote.

Additionally, previous years featured a Battle Back Competition where houseguests evicted pre-jury could fight to get back into the competition. It’s unclear whether season 25 will feature this twist, but fans likely expect it.

A ‘Big Brother’ Season 25 houseguest was removed for uttering a racial slur

Another significant moment happened during Big Brother Season 25 Week 1. Houseguest Luke Valentine uttered a racial slur while speaking to, Hisam, Cory, and Jared. While Luke tried to laugh off the situation, CBS removed him from the game following the incident.

“Luke violated the Big Brother code of conduct and there is zero tolerance in the house for using a racial slur, CBS stated, according to Deadline. “He has been removed from the house. His departure will be addressed in Thursday night’s show.”

Big Brother Season 25 airs Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays on CBS.

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