Kailyn Lowry Gets SLAMMED For Bieber-Inspired Dreadlocks, Deletes Instagram Pic

March 2022 · 2 minute read

White people with dreadlocks.

You could call it the Mount Everest of culturally problematic ethnicity/hairstyle combos. Many think they can take it on, most are wrong.

Last week, Justin Bieber rocked the ‘locks at the 2016 iHeartRadio Awards, and the reaction was … not great, to put it mildly.

Sadly, that didn’t stop Teen Mom 2 star Kailyn Lowry from taking a page from the Biebs book with a hairstyle that has fans deeply divided.

Yeah. That’s really her above. Words fail us. 

Now, in fairness, Kailyn has a lot on her plate these days, as she seems to be separated from her husband Javi Marroquin.

Not only that, her ex Jo Rivera got engaged.

And of course, like all Teen Mom stars, her life is basically a constant whirlwind of screaming matches and questionable decisions.

So it’s not surprising that she decided to make a superficial change, perhaps to in some small way reclaim some control of her life.

Unfortunately, it’s also not surprising that her rasta-pasta blonde dreads have been absolutely savaged by social media commenters.

The firestorm of criticism got so bad online, in fact, that the mother of two deleted the above photo from Instagram and Twitter.

Of course, in somewhat contradictoruy fashion, she also started retweeting the handful of fans who complimented her new ‘do.

She hasn’t spoken out about the controversy, aside from an oh-so-cryptic tweet reading simply, "People are afraid of change."

We don’t know about "change," Kailyn, but …

They certainly seem to be afraid if your new look, or just not a big fan on merit. Either way, its approval ratings look dismal.

As always, you can watch Teen Mom 2 online for more regrettable life choices, big and small, from MTV stars across this great nation.

Teen Mom Cast: Before They Were Stars …

